Once installed, DoNotTrackMe sits in your browser’s toolbar; you can enable or disable it if the site you are visiting breaks, and it is proactively showing you what is blocking from a particular page. Furthermore, if you are interested what’s happening behind the scene, you can view the details, or data, third-parties are trying to get from your activities. Certainly you can also choose to allow or denied what has been blocked. A new addition of this nifty tool is that it does not remove social elements from a web page (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.), instead the social buttons stay but the communication back to the source gets cut off, which means that social networks will not be able to track you. DoNotTrackMe, as I mentioned at the beginning, is free, works with all major web browsers, and it is worth a try if you are concerned about your privacy online.

Get it from ABINE – the online privacy company

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