The “Windows 8 for Dummies, Dell Pocket Edition” is a book of about 147 pages and it comes in a PDF file format that anyone can easily download. To get it, head over and fill out the form (remember that you don’t exactly have to be truthful about your information here), then click Submit to download. What’s in the book? Well, everything a first timer will need to get started. Some of the content you’ll find includes:

What’s new in Windows 8 Figuring out the new Start screen Browsing the File Explorer Working with files and folders Working with the Desktop SkyDrive Starting a program or app Updating your apps Adding your social accounts to Windows 8 Managing contacts Ten things you’ll hate about Windows 8 and more…

If the book isn’t enough, you can learn even more in our Windows 8 section with daily updates on the operating system, which is practically a book in the sky. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.