Microsoft highlights the following improvements: Faster than ever. The new version of browser helps websites to load fast and one of the reason is because it uses the graphic’s processor instead of the main CPU to render graphics. Microsoft said that this feature alone makes IE 11 for Windows 7 6x faster than Google Chrome and 9% faster than Internet Explorer 10. Making browsing even better by supporting more web standards. IE 11 incorporates an un-prefixed version of emerging Pointer Events, basically this means that websites can work well virtually on any device using keyboard, mouse, stylus pen, and displays with touch capabilities. Additionally Microsoft is now prompting users to set the Tracking Preference Expression (DNT) after installation, instead of just leaving the setting enabled by default. And the browser also adds options for the Standard Delivery Profile for Closed Captioning, that way users can configure how video caption will appear when playing videos.

Although the latest preview of IE packs hundreds of bug fixes and tweaks, the most interesting change or addition is the F12 tools, which helps developers to troubleshoot and improve their websites. The question still remains when the software giant will release the final version, so Windows 7 users can start taking advantage of Internet Explorer 11. My guess is October 18th, which is when Windows 8.1 will release to worldwide, but if that is not the case maybe by end of October sounds about right. You can download Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 from this Microsoft’s web page. Just remember that this version isn’t complete, so bugs and errors are expected. Source IEBlog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.